Post Covid-19 Relief Project (2020)
In the wake of the plight of the contagious global Covid-19 pandemic, and as the Association’s introductory, prime project, a relief package programme was initiated, designed to cushion the effect of the economic misery waged on us, by this pandemic.
A substantial amount of domestic items which include foods and household essentials were distributed to citizens of Ikorodu, in the UK. The popularity of this scheme, necessitated a call for its extension and, of course, the increment of intended quantities of this alleviating measure.

Food Bank Project Ikorodu (2021)
As part of our first anniversary humanitarian activities, the Association embarked on a Food Bank Project initiative, tagged “Food Bank Project Ikorodu 2021“. This humanitarian measure was aimed at reacting perhaps intervening the apparent Food commodities price hike in the country; thus impacting the livelihood of the common people.
The Food price exorbitance had been influenced by the persistent inflationary pressure brought about by factors including but not limited to foreign exchange indexes, high cost of food supplies due to the various insecurity challenges across the country.
The Food Bank Project recipients selection exercise was aided by the brilliant effort of CDC and CDA (Community Development Associations), which ensured that the Food Bank project recipients, which include the extremely vulnerable people, the elderly, single parents, the medical and the physically challenged persons, were accurately targeted.
Enormous food items were delivered. While registering their delights and gratefulness, the recipients advised for the repeat of this rewarding programme.

Ikorodu Development Consultation Forum & Post Covid-19 Thanksgiving Session (2022)
Whilst the society gradually returned to a semblance of normality, post Covid -19, the Association had engaged in a two-in-one programme themed ‘Ikorodu Development Consultation Forum & Post Covid -19 Thanksgiving Session.
A forum designed to present a platform to discuss the social and economic development challenges of Ikorodu town.
In a drive to ascertain the perspectives perhaps various opinions, Ikorodu indigenes from different walks of life, who reside in the UK, were invited to share common ideas, wisdom, experiences and, of course, to proffer possible humanitarian intervention in the short and medium terms.
The Programme also presented a platform to give thanks to the Almighty Lord for protecting us throughout the pandemic.